JKT Zone Service Unavailable


We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

Dear Customer,

We finally managed to bring service up after coordinate with vendor hardware and fix the problem. Affected VMs will be restarted in order to bring all functions back to normal. We will inform you once your VMs has been restarted.

We do apologize for this inconvenience. You will expect RCA report for this incident within 2 business day.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Our engineer are working with vendor hardware to escalate this problem.


We've confirmed the problem on some of controller. Now failure has been take care and managed to be online. However, some service are still unavailable. Our engineers are still progressing to fix the remaining problem.


We are detecting some failure on JKT Zone at the moment. We are still investigating this issue. If you are experiencing issue on VMs, please contact our support@zettagrid.id for further assistance.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Indonesia - Jakarta
    • Compute
    • Veeam Services
    • VMware Management & Replication
    • Zerto Services